
Azure DocKit now supports document generation without Administrator privileges

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Today, we are releasing a new version of Azure DocKit that allows you to generate documents without having the two following privileges that were previously required: Global Administrator on the Azure Active Directory used for the authentication Co-Administrator on the…

Azure DocKit, the Azure Documentation Tool, now features Full Connected Visio Diagrams

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Since the last version of Azure DocKit, you have the ability to generate Visio Diagrams embedded in the word document. This is very useful to give you an architectural view of the each of the components that are deployed in…

Create Azure Documentation with your own template

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Azure DocKit gives you the ability to generate detailed documentation of everything you have in your Azure Subscription. The generated document gives you plenty of information and also rich Visio Diagrams. Would it be nice if you could control the…

Azure Diagramming using Azure DocKit and Visio

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According to most of the studies about popular diagramming tools among IT Architect, Visio is clearly one of the top. Sure, you have specialized tools to do UML Diagrams or SQL Diagrams but most of the time, IT Architects job…

Documenting Azure and drop the document in Office 365

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Today we are releasing a new feature that we get asked a lot : Documenting Azure and drop the document in Office 365. Basically it gives you the ability to drop the generated document directly into Office 365 instead of…

Run PowerShell script inside ARM Virtual Machines using C#

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Today’s blog post is about a very common task done when administering Virtual Machines in Azure: run a PowerShell script in these Virtual Machines. In order to run PowerShell scripts in Azure VMs, we have many options that can be…

Azure DocKit – Now featuring Billing Information.

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Azure DocKit automatically creates Azure documentation that includes information regarding the costs related to your Azure Subscription. In the document Executive Summary, you can now find the following diagram : It will help you to quickly see the type of workload…

Do you know your REAL Azure SLA ? Here is why you should get Azure DocKit

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  A lot of our customers are currently moving to Azure and we have noticed that they are always very surprised when we explain them that their current configuration does not meet the requirements to meet the Microsoft Azure SLA……

Generate Azure Active Directory Documentation

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We are proud to announce that we have added the support of Azure Active Directory in Azure DocKit. This feature is still in beta version. The following components are documented for Azure Active Directory: List of users All the users…

Azure AD Tenant required to generate Documentation

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One of the question our support department get asked a lot is: “What Azure AD tenant should I use?“ So here is a quick answer : When you connect to, the first thing you have to do is to…